COVID-19 Procedures
Questions arise from time to time as different scenarios pop-up in regards to the current health situations we are in. At this time, I would like to provide some clarity to the Evaluating Sick Students and Staff document with the assistance of the following scenarios. We hope this helps in your understanding.
Scenario #1: I am Healthy!
· See you at school, events or work!
Scenario #2: Students and staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 that test positive or persons with symptoms electing not to be tested and not follow-up with a health care provider should self-isolate at home until:
· At least 10 days have passed since their symptoms have started AND
· Fever Free for 24 hours [without the use of fever-reducing medicine] AND symptoms have improved.
Scenario #3: Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 and do not have any symptoms should self-isolate at home until:
· At least 10 days have passed since they have tested positive AND NO symptoms since the day of testing.
Scenario #4: Students and staff with symptoms of COVID-19 who test negative AND are not a close contact to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 should self-quarantine at home until 24 hours after their symptoms resolve and consider seeking an alternative diagnosis from your primary caregiver.
Scenario #5: Students and staff with symptoms of COVID-19 who test negative AND are in close contact to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 should self-quarantine at home until:
· 14 days after their last contact to the person who tested positive for COVID-19 and an improvement of symptoms. [This could be as long as 24 days depending on the contact between family members in the home.]
Scenario #6: Students and staff who are a close contact to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 should self-isolate at home until:
· 14 days after their last contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. [This could be as long as 24 days depending on the contact between family members in the home.]
Scenario #7:
· Parents, students and staff who have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting test results should self-isolate until the tests results are returned. Family members are able to attend school as long they are asymptomatic. Please refer to Scenario #6 if the test returns positive.
Scenario #8:
· Previously diagnosed students and staff with COVID-19 and have since recovered and remain asymptomatic:
o Retesting is NOT recommended within 3 months after the date of symptom onset [or date of test if asymptomatic] for the initial COVID-19 infection.
o Quarantine is NOT recommended in the event of close contact with an infected person during the three-month period, as long as the previously diagnosed person remains asymptomatic [i.e., has not developed symptoms of a new illness
o In persons who develop new symptoms consistent with COVID-19 during the 3 months after the date of initial symptom onset [if an alternative etiology cannot be identified by a provided] they should be clinically evaluated as appropriate and re-testing should be considered if there is not an alternate diagnosis.
o The symptomatic person should be isolated again, if symptoms developed within 14 days after close contact with a new COVID case.
Additional Information:
· Definitions:
o Self-Quarantine: A person in self-quarantine stays home with no contact to persons outside of the family unit. If family members have not also been exposed this may change to Self-isolation.
o Self-Isolation: A person is living in an alternate portion of the home with no contact to anyone including family members for at least 2 days prior to testing positive. This is done to prevent family members from receiving a primary exposure.
§ If family members are exposed to the positive person by being within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more, that person must also self-quarantine and not attend school or work. Please review the above scenarios for timelines.
· Symptoms:
o High Risk Symptoms: [Evaluate Health when 1 symptom presents.]
§ New Cough
§ Shortness of Breath
§ Difficulty Breathing
§ New Loss of Taste and Smell
o Low Risk Symptoms: [Evaluate Health when 2 or more symptoms present.]
§ Fever
§ Headache
§ Sore Throat
§ Congestion
§ Vomiting
§ Fatigue
§ Muscle / Body Aches
§ Runny Nose
§ Nausea
§ Diarrhea
We hope the above information assists you in evaluating potential health situations. We cannot say enough how much your assistance in promoting the health and safety of our students, staff, and families is appreciated!
Thank you!
Mr. Darin Jones