Continued Development of AHSTW P.R.I.D.E
It is evident that members of our AHSTW Community have a tremendous amount of pride in all of our communities and school district. With that said, in the early 2000’s an emphasis on PRIDE values – Positivity, Respect, Integrity, and Dependability was created to foster Excellence in self, academics, and activities. This commitment to character and positive behavior is essential as we strive to develop Excellence each day!
Recently, we dedicated ourselves to defining each value to remind us of how we all hope to contribute to our community on a daily basis while in our communities, throughout the course of the academic day, or as we represent AHSTW at events across the State of Iowa, as these skills will help our students become leaders not only in our school, but also as they continually engage in their community and careers long after graduation.
We feel the following definitions are wonderful reminders and benchmarks to strive for!
· Encouraging positivity creates a nurturing environment designed to lift one another up by offering support, listening to each other, while sharing new ideas and perspectives.
· Emphasizing respect creates an environment, in which, we accept each other’s differences, honors each other’s time, perspectives, and experiences as we create a safe and supporting environment to promote belonging and community.
· Acting with integrity builds a sense of trust and credibility and is based on the idea of doing what is right even when no one is watching. The daily goal is to model positive behavior, ensure confidentiality, build trust with others and continually develop a stronger culture of ethical conduct.
· Very simply put, “You Can Count on Me! Our actions demonstrate our commitment to each other as we strive to follow through on our responsibilities to ourselves, team members, classmates, and others in our community!
· By implementing POSITIVITY, RESPECT, INTEGRITY, and DEPENDABILITY, we will have no other option than to EXCEL!
By emphasizing these values and encouraging each individual person to lead by example, AHSTW Community School District will continually promote Excellence in all facets of our school community and individual members. At this time, we want to thank everyone for your support of AHSTW and invite you to discuss and model the above-mentioned traits with your students, as we all strive to help them reach their full potential where success is not only measured by achievements, but also by the positive impact we make on the lives of others!
Mr. Darin Jones
AHSTW CSD Superintendent