Thursday, October 17, 2019

PPEL Information

Voter Approved Physical Plant & Equipment Levy [PPEL]

Physical Plant and Equipment Levy Facts:
·     Regular Physical Plant and Equipment Levy:
o  Tax Rate:  $0.33 / thousand dollars of assessed valuation.
o  A regular PPEL is implemented annually when the budget is certified.
·     Voter Approved Physical Plant & Equipment Levy:
o  Tax Rate:  $1.00 / thousand dollars of assessed valuation.
o  The Voter Approved PPEL can be approved for a max. of 10 years.
o  Vote can be initiated by Board of Education on its own motion, or by a properly filed petition by eligible electors.

How is the levy funded?
·     Local property tax [Minimum of $1.00], or
·     A combination of local property tax and an income surtax.  [Instructional Support Income Surtax and other income surtaxes cannot exceed 20%.]

Purposes of the PPEL Levy:
·     Purchase and improvement of grounds
·     Lease or purchase or technology exceeding $500 per transaction
·     Repairing, remodeling, reconstructing, improving, or expanding the schoolhouse or buildings
·     Expenditures for energy conversation
·     Rental of facilities
·     Purchase of transportation equipment for the purpose of transporting students
·     Equipment purchases for recreational purposes
·     Payments of debt services contracted for the building of schoolhouses or buildings
·     Demolition, clean-up, and other costs incurred within two years of a natural disaster

AHSTW Use of PPEL and Voter Approved PPEL Monies:
·       Purchase and repair of school buses and school cars
·       Remodeling of HS bathrooms to meet ADA compliance
·       Updating of our kitchen facilities and freezers
·       Updating of the High School Entrance
·       Construction Projects:  Cement projects at both the HS and Elementary Entrances.
·       Updating of the HVAC system
·       One-to-One Initiative [Chromebooks]
·       Internet Security Software
·       Accounting Software
·       Lease of copy machines
·       Updated building interior and exterior [Tuck pointing]

AHSTW Physical Plant and Equipment Levy Facts:
·       The AHSTW CSD CURRENTLY employs both the Regular and Voter Approved PPEL.
·       In the November election, AHSTW will not be requesting a new or increased levy.   We are only asking to extend our current Voter Approved PPEL for an additional 10-years after expiration in 2021.

Residential Formula for Determining PPEL Costs
·       Tax Rate x (Assessed Valuation x Rollback [Residential] – Homestead Credit) / $1000 = Tax Payment
·       Tax Rate x (Assessed Valuation x 56.9% - $4,850) / $1000 = Tax Payment
·       (IF…families have applied the Homestead Credit, it will be subtracted from the assessed value)
·       (IF…families have not applied for the Homestead Credit, you should remove credit from the formula.)

The Regular PPEL is currently implemented a rate of $0.33 / thousand dollars of the assessed value:
·       The Regular PPEL Cost per a $50,000 assessed valuation would be:  $7.78
·       The Regular PPEL Cost per an $75,000 assessed valuation would be:  $12.48
·       The Regular PPEL Cost per a $100,000 assessed valuation would be:  $17.17
·       The Regular PPEL Cost per an $150,000 assessed valuation would be:  $26.56

The Voter Approved PPEL is currently implemented at a rate of $1.00 / thousand dollars of the assessed value.
·       The Voter Approved PPEL Cost per a $50,000 assessed valuation would be:  $23.60
·       The Voter Approved PPEL Cost per an $75,000 assessed valuation would be:  $37.82
·       The Voter Approved PPEL Cost per an $100,000 assessed valuation would be:  $52.05
·       The Voter Approved PPEL Cost per an $150,000 assessed valuation would be:  $80.50

**Above rates are figured with the Homestead Act applied.
**Agricultural tax information is available in future updates and by contacting me at 712-343-6364.

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